

Before we start you need Docker Engine (or short Docker) installed. See marvellous guide at docs.docker.com. That's it - there are no more requirements.

Info: You should be just fine with Docker version 1.11.1 - this is the Engine we are currently developing with.


Disclaimer: this guide covers Linux users. For details how to run the project on Windows see HowTo on Windows section where various approaches to running the project are described.

The project is released as Docker container image. To run it, simply run:

docker run --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -p 8000:80 -it zmumichal/netlab-dockerized:latest

This should end up in the image downloaded and the container running. Open http://localhost:8000 to access the GUI. That's it - everything should be working now.

Changing the command

If the port does not suit you well, modify the port mapping (-p ... part; see Docker CLI for details) or access the container directly under its IP address (use docker inspect to find the IP).

The part --privileged -v ... is required if you want to run the environment through GUI - if you prefer downloading the project and running it, manually you may omit this part. The necessity of this flags originates in the use of Docker in Docker.

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